A Word from our Church Council
Resolution to Change Congregational Organizational Plan
To Simplified, Accountable Governance Structure
WHEREAS, PP 247.2 of the 2016 Book of Discipline for the United Methodist Church allows alternative models of governance; and
WHEREAS, the simplified, accountable leadership structure is utilized as an alternative model throughout the domination and fulfills the provisions of PP 243 of the 2016 Book of Discipline for the United Methodist Church; and
WHEREAS, the Church Council of Prospect United Methodist Church prayerfully voted on March 3, 2024 to explore the simplified, accountable structure for local church governance; and
WHEREAS, the congregation provided feedback concerning a potential change in governance structure on multiple occasions; and
WHEREAS, the congregation was motivated to convert for reasons of efficiency, alignment with our mission and vision, accountability, and missional focus; and
WHEREAS, the Church Council, Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development, and the pastor, after months of discernment, have crafted an alternative organizational and governance structure for Prospect United Methodist Church and offered this proposal to the district superintendent for approval; and
WHEREAS, the district superintendent approved the alternative organizational plan on October 10, 2024; and
1. On January 1, 2025, the Disciplinary authority and various responsibilities of the Church Council, Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), Finance Committee, Endowment Committee, and Board of Trustees, will be combined into a single body called the Leadership Board. Existing elected leadership of all classes of all constituent committees that make up the new Leadership Board will conclude their terms of service on December 31, 2024, as the church transitions to the new organizational plan.
2. The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development of Prospect United Methodist Church is directed to submit a list of officers and members of a simplified, accountable structure know the Leadership Board and a Committee on Nominations and Development, divided into three appropriate three-year classes, as outlined in the Discipline, for election by the charge conference. All members of the Leadership Board and the charge conference will be professing members. The Chair of the Board of Trustees will be elected from among the voting trustee members of the Leadership Board in the first board meeting of each year, in accordance with the Discipline, and s/he may be the Leadership Board chair.
3. The lay member of annual conference and lay leader are ex officio members of the Leadership Board, if not already elected into a membership class of the Leadership Board.
4. All Disciplinary requirements and qualifications for each of the constituent committees (Church Council, SPRC, Finance Committee, and Board of Trustees) will continue with the combined Leadership Board, including trustee age-of-majority qualifications and SPRC household membership limitations.
5. All references to the Church Council, Board of Trustees, SPRC, and Finance Committee, in all existing church policies, as of December 31, 2024, shall be understood to refer to the Leadership Board beginning January 1, 2025.
6. In service to our common mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, all existing ministry teams will be accountable to the pastor and Leadership Board in administrative matters and in fulfillment of PP243.
7. The Leadership Board will abide by existing financial, child protection, building use, personnel policies, and the inaugural guiding principles. The Leadership Board will create a Leadership Board Covenant. The Leadership Board is empowered to amend these policies, principles, and covenants. The Leadership Board shall share updated guiding principles with the charge conference annually.
APPROVED, October 27, 2024
Welcoming Statement
We, the congregation of Prospect United Methodist Church of Bristol, Connecticut, welcome everyone. We affirm the dignity and sacred worth of every person because we all are created by the same loving God. Called by the Holy Spirit to share a ministry that reflects God’s grace, love, and justice, we embrace and honor all who seek to participate in the ministries, leadership and life of our church.
We celebrate the diversity of God’s creation and gifts. We strive to respect and support persons of every race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religious background, physical and mental ability, family structure, age, economic circumstance, and level of education.
We recognize that there are differences among us and believe that we can love alike even though we may not be alike or think alike. We proclaim this statement of welcome to all who may have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in the church and in society. We invite all people to join us in our faith journey as we grow together in love, understanding, and mutual respect.
Our welcome knows no boundaries. Whether you are here for the first time or the thousandth time, we want you to feel safe, at home and know you belong. If you are just passing through, we hope that our worship and fellowship will provide you with food for the journey.
September 29, 2019