Prospect United Methodist Church
Welcoming Statement

PUMC is now open for worship but we would like to highlight some instructions in the guidelines.

  1. Keep the guidelines in mind and please follow them. those who are over 65 or who are sick are respectfully requested to stay home.
  2. Please wear a mask. In case you forget to bring one, we do have extra masks. Please ask for one at the entrance.
  3. Please park in the lower parking lot (unless you need handicapped parking.) Please walk up Center St. to the Center St. door.
  4. Please only use the upper parking lot, if needed. If you park in the upper parking lot, please use the Summer St. door.
  5. Please keep 6 ft. distance from each other at all times. We know you want to talk with your friends and church family, but you are encouraged to have conversations outside the church building.
  6. Attendance will be taken at the entrance. There will be no bulletins. Offering may be deposited in the collection box at the entrance.
  7. We have marked off every other pew with blue tape. Please find an empty pew with no blue tape. We know you are used to sitting in a certain pew. Please understand we cannot necessarily sit in our “regular” pews, in this situation. You can explore a new different territory. It might be exciting!
  8. There will be no nursery care or Sunday School. Children must remain with their parents/guardians.
  9. When exiting the church, last pew exits first, followed by the second to last pew, and so on. Please avoid close contact upon exiting, as well.

All are welcome to join us for a facebook live streaming. Live streaming will begin at 9:30 am. Click on button below to join. Bulletins can be found here. If you have a difficulty in accessing the internet, please call 1-425-436-6308 and enter access code followed by #: 621785#

We, the congregation of Prospect United Methodist Church of Bristol, Connecticut, welcome everyone. We affirm the dignity and sacred worth of every person because we all are created by the same loving God. Called by the Holy Spirit to share a ministry that reflects God’s grace, love, and justice, we embrace and honor all who seek to participate in the ministries, leadership and life of our church.

We celebrate the diversity of God’s creation and gifts. We strive to respect and support persons of every race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religious background, physical and mental ability, family structure, age, economic circumstance, and level of education.

We recognize that there are differences among us and believe that we can love alike even though we may not be alike or think alike. We proclaim this statement of welcome to all who may have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in the church and in society. We invite all people to join us in our faith journey as we grow together in love, understanding, and mutual respect.
Our welcome knows no boundaries. Whether you are here for the first time or the thousandth time, we want you to feel safe, at home and know you belong. If you are just passing through, we hope that our worship and fellowship will provide you with food for the journey.

September 29, 2019

Welcome to our Web Site.  Welcome to the web presence of the Prospect United Methodist Church. The “real” presence of Prospect Church is in the world – being individual instruments of God’s love wherever our members go. Called to service, we are centered in worship. We worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 in the sanctuary.

Prospect is known as a family and child-friendly church. Children attend the opening portion of the 10:00 a.m. service with their families, come forward for the children’s message, then go to their Sunday School classes. Nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month at the 10:00 a.m. service. We invite you to check out the “real” presence of Prospect church. A warm welcome awaits. (more)

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4 years ago

We have given up so many things. We have given up our normal. You must feel lonely and empty. but there are things we can fill our heart with.

Fill your heart with

1. Gratitude in worshiping: ... See more

4 years ago

Coffee with pastor at home
I am going to host a virtual coffee time on Zoom.

Time: Wednesday 11am & Friday 7pm

What you need:
*Down load Zoom on your smart phone or tablet or computer.
Meeting ... See more

4 years ago

We are still celebrating Palm Sunday as a church this coming Sunday.

Following bishop's advice, there will be no palm branch distribution.

We are also celebrating communion this coming Sunday. ... See more

4 years ago

We will continue to have Sunday service through live-streaming through April. If you miss a live service, you can watch it later here on this page later. If you do not have a facebook account, you ... See more

4 years ago

March 29th Worship

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